Thursday 7 June 2007

More growth

We have cause for celebration as now Finley's head is below 100% severity. There has been another 2 mm growth at the back which makes the percentage 99.35%. This is 9mm growth in all. I can see that at the bottom of the neck there is now a slight curve out whereas before it was just flat from the neck right up to the top. I've added a picture at the side.

Here are the stats:

Age months 16.5
Head Circumference (cm) 50.1
Head Width mm 153
Head Depth mm 154
Severity 99.35%

I asked Saeed about going to night wear only. I think with the warm weather coming Finley is really going to suffer. Even in these milder days his head is really sweating. His growth is so slow I can't see it would make much difference. Saeed said the head is growing all the time, day and night and we would only get half the benefit. We will persevere but I'm going to be really disturbed if I see him suffering with the heat.

Next review in 3 weeks time.

1 comment:

Jessica said...

Congrats!!! What great news that he is now below 100%!!! Hope he continues to improve!! :)

We are still repo'ing constantly...the top 1/2 of Eli's head is still pretty flat...wondering if it will ever round out?! But, I am happy with his head shape no matter what!!