Wednesday 16 May 2007

Another 2mm at the back

Another LOC visit today. Finley has grown a further 2 mm at the back although no increase in head circumference. This is a 7mm growth at the back in total which we are really pleased about. His severity percentage is now 100.66% . I think we may have to celebrate when he gets below 100% and his head becomes longer in depth to its width!

Here are the stats:

Age months 15.75
Head Circumference (cm) 50.1
Head Width mm 153
Head Depth mm 152
Severity 100.66%

Friends who see Fin helmetless have been able to see the difference. Someone said we should stop because it looks normal which is great. I am still extremely critical of it. I think the length of his hair is exactly right to disguise it. When it is wet in the bath it is still really flat.

Next review is in 3 weeks on 6th June.


Jessica said...

Yaheee!!! This is GREAT!! :) I was so excited to see Finley's progress!!!

Anonymous said...

Hi Sarah

So glad you are having such promising growth so early into helmet treatment. Let us know when we can drink that glass of champagne when Finley gets below the magic 100% !!

Diane, Arin & Maya