Monday 19 March 2007

Day 3

4 hours on one hour off today, the sore on the side of his head is not really recovering well in the hour off. Its not a bump (yet) but I think it needs an adjustment. I spoke to LOC, they said I could go up tomorrow but we've got an appointment on Wednesday morning and we are really busy tomorrow with kid's stuff so we've agreed to do another 4 hour programme tomorrow and then get an adjustment on Wednesday. Will have to see what it looks like tomorrow morning and make a decision whether we put it on or not. If it is at all red its going to stay off until Wednesday - we cant risk another 2 weeks of bumps and scabs.

We have given Finley a number 3 hair cut all over - he looks like a little thug!! But it must make his head much cooler in the helmet, makes it a lot easier for us to see red spots and makes it much simpler for applying cream.

He seems to be adjusting better heat wise and has not been very sweaty at all in it today.

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